Money Heist - Season 1 - Episode 1 - Online HINDI


Money Heist - Season 1 - Episode 1 - Online HINDI

 Money Heist - Intro

The gang is planning to rob Spain's National Factory of Currency and Stamps, for $ 2400. They took 67 captives and stayed in space for 11 days.


 (Spanish :, The House of Paper) is a Spanish television series produced by Plex Pina. The TV show features heists in the Royal Mint of Spain and the Bank of Spain by a group of so-called code robbers, as they fight hostages inside, and police outside.


A criminal expert traveling with “The Professor” has a plan to remove the biggest heist from recorded history - printing billions of euros in the Royal Mint of Spain. To help him carry out this ambitious plan, he employs eight people who are skilled and who have nothing to lose. This group of thieves takes hostages to assist in their negotiations with the authorities, who devise a plan to find a way to arrest the Professor. As time went on, the robbers prepared to meet with the police.

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